Uroflow Instruction Form (UFS)
Your physician has scheduled you to undergo a voi mg pro ile to help him better understand the urinary flow in terms of possible obstruction. The test also helps him understand if there is retention of urine.

This test is most often ordered for men with prostate enlargement, BPH(benign prostatic hyperplasia), and also in women who have abnormal voiding patterns or are pre or post surgery for bladder suspension type procedures, (sling).

The flow rate reveals the patients' rate of urinary flow. As a rule of thumb, lOml/sec is considered an adequate flow. This test is done with the patient voiding into a special toilet in a private room.

The second part ofthe test is the post voiding residual (PVR),which is done with an ultrasound. The nurse can adequately measure the residual of urine in the bladder. This is important to know, again, in patients with prostate enlargement or post surgery, as it may explain symptoms and affect medication choices.

This combined information is very helpful to the urologist in determining a diagnosis and treatment options.

Drink, drink, drink!

Drink 3-4 eight-ounce glasses offluid (you can drink more than what is stated) approximately one to one and a half hours before your test time. Come to your appointment with a full bladder. If you find it difficult to come with a full bladder, you may come approximately 15 minutes early and complete the hydrating process (you will not be able to drink the full required amount of water in 15 minutes, you must abegin at home). We ask that you not void before your appointment so that a more accurate test can be performed. When you have a normal or strong urge to urinate, advise the front desk and she will inform the nurse.

If you are uncomfortable upon your arrival, please advise the front desk that you are here for a Uroflow and are ready to see the nurse. We do not require a urine specimen from you at this appointment.

Please do not empty your bladder before seeing the nurse.


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