The Omega - MAMSURG Quit Smoking Package

Over 35 Million American adults want to quit smoking and approximately half of all Americans are over weight and these people WANT TO QUIT. At Mid-Atlantic, we specialize in helping you to fulfill your vision by helping you to quit smoking cigarettes and lose weight.

Smokers all around the world are quitting smoking by zapping the habit using cold laser therapy as a modern form of acupuncture. In fact, the success rates are four to five times that of most other smoking cessation programs.

MAMSURG combines laser therapy with customized guidance and a 24-hour hotline. The laser technician uses a "cold" laser beam to target energy points on the body. Focusing the laser beam on these areas causes the body to release natural chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins have a calming, relaxing effect on the body that helps to reduce nicotine craving and withdrawal symptoms. Some laser therapy clients report a feeling of euphoria following a smoking cessation treatment with the laser. In addition to stimulating an endorphin release, the laser stimulates the body's natural ability to detoxify the nicotine, getting the ex-smoker through the nicotine withdrawal more quickly.

Cold laser smoking cessation is extremely popular all over the mainland US, been done for over 22 years in Canada and Europe and is catching on in the US like crazy, building up speed over the last 5 years. There is established which has determined that cold lasers utilizing the red light spectrum produce addiction recovery results of approximately 65%, compared with lasers utilizing the correct power density with the infrared wavelengths. Consequently we offer a state of the art laser in the infrared zone for addiction treatment and recommend that you stay away from any red light laser that claims to be effective for smoking cessation.

Your quit smoking package includes an initial laser therapy treatment and two follow-up laser treatments, supplements and herbal formula, support and education, and a follow-up assessment following completion of your treatments. Treatments are designed to help you deal with withdrawal symptoms and prepare you for a smooth and successful transition. Your first treatment involves a half hour assessment plus a 30-45 minute laser therapy treatment.


In order to stop smoking, we understand that you may have tried many different techniques or medications. We want you to feel confident that you are making the right decision in choosing us! If, after your first laser therapy treatment with us, you are not satisfied with the treatment and you no longer wish to continue your treatment with us, we will refund you the cost of treatment of the laser therapy. You’ve got nothing to lose!

MAMSURG is a member of an Investigational Review Board (IRB).
Currently there is no laser that is cleared by the FDA for smoking cessation, consequently the only way to legally offer laser treatments for smoking cessation or weight loss is by joining an Investigational Review Board (IRB), which falls under the umbrella of the FDA, and participate in approved clinical trial studies. A state licensed health practitioner who's license includes the use of a cold laser is required to register with the IRB and be the Principle Investigator (PI).

The Omega XP

The Omega XP is the Cadillac model because of its high quality, built in point finder, 15 year proven track record and prominence in the industry. It is also slated to become the first laser in the US to receive FDA Clearance for smoking cessation very shortly if all goes as planned. Other laser packages include the

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