Urodynamic testing is a sophisticated office-based procedure to help diagnose problems with voiding (urination) and/or urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of urine). Although we may have a good understanding of the underlying problem following a complete history and physical examination, a Urodynamic test helps increase the accuracy of our working diagnosis. In other instances, it may uncover a completely unexpected finding. The test is short (Approximately 1 hour), very minimally invasive, and typically yields very useful information.

We ask that you come to your appointment 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. Drink 32 ounces of fluid (water is best) before you arrive for your appointment. Please make sure that your bladder is full. When you have a strong urge to urinate, let the receptionist know.

The initial part of the test is the uroflow (UFS). This is accomplished by you urinating into a receptacle so our equipment can calculate the pattern and force of your stream. After you have completely emptied your bladder, you will be asked to lie down on the exam table. Under sterile conditions, a catheter will be inserted into your bladder to make sure that it is totally empty, at the same time a specimen of urine will be taken to make sure that you do not have a urinary tract infection (UTI). Once it is determined that you do not have a UTI, the first catheter will be removed and a very thin catheter will be inserted into your bladder, with the insertion of the catheters, you may feel a slight sting or pinch. Next, a similar catheter will be inserted into the rectum. Once the catheters are secured in place with tape, we may begin the test.

Depending on circumstances, you may be sitting or standing for the test. In rare instances, the test may be preformed lying down. The catheters are attached to a computer so we may gather data about how your bladder and urethra function. Your bladder is slowly filled with sterile water and you will be asked about sensations you are having as your bladder fills. When you are full, you will be asked to urinate and empty you bladder into a special container.

Post Procedure
After the procedure, you might have a little stinging in the urethra until the next time you urinate. In some patients, it may last a little longer. If there was any resistance to the passage of the catheters, you may see a tiny blood discoloration of your urine. If needed, you will receive an antibiotic after the test if you are prone to infections.

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